Top 10 floorball exercises for home training

Floorball is a dynamic and fast-paced sport that requires a combination of technical skills, physical fitness, and mental preparedness. While it's not always possible to train on the field, there are many effective exercises you can do at home. In this article, we'll explore the top ten floorball exercises for home training, divided into three categories: technique, fitness, and mindset.


1. Dribbling with a Saliball on carpet

Dribbling with a Saliball on carpet is an excellent way to improve ball control. Follow the carpet pattern and try to dribble slowly at first to maintain 100% control of the ball, then gradually increase the speed. This exercise will strengthen your muscles and enhance your dribbling skills. Recommended training time is 10-15 minutes, and it's a good idea to dribble with the Saliball for 3 minutes and then switch to a regular ball for 1 minute.

2. Dribbling with a Saliring on carpet

Similar to dribbling with a Saliball, this time replace the Saliball with a Saliring and use a regular ball on the blade. The different weights and center of gravity will allow you to feel the contrast, which will strengthen your forearm muscles and refine your technique. Recommended training time is also 10-15 minutes, and it's advised to keep the weight on and dribble as creatively as possible through the carpet.

3. Juggling with a Salipong

Juggling with a Salipong will help improve your fine motor skills and accuracy. The smaller ball of the same weight will force you to refine your estimation and movements to prevent the ball from bouncing off. Switching to a competition ball afterward will make everything seem slower, giving you more time and space, making handling the regular ball much easier. Recommended training time is 10-15 minutes.

4. Stick handling

Make it a mission to use your floorball stick as often as possible throughout the day. Ideally, carry it everywhere you go, balance with it, play with it in your hand, and feel its weight, length, and balance. This will give you a significantly better feel and knowledge of how the stick behaves, where to hold it, and how to achieve the movements you need with such naturalness that you'll be surprised yourself. This training can be done throughout the day.

It's crucial to maintain regularity in training, dedicating 40-60 minutes to technical exercises. If you use bad weather or are dedicated enough to get up early on good weather days to train, you will become a monster on the field. The more often you practice, the better. And the best part is, no one can complain about these exercises at home!


5. Push-ups and Pull-ups

Compound exercises like push-ups and pull-ups strengthen your arms, shoulders, back, biceps, and triceps. Proper push-up form also helps strengthen your abs. These exercises are great for overall upper body strength. Initially, it's not necessary to hit the gym; if you don't have that option, just work with your body weight until you perfect your capabilities.

6. Core Exercises

Classic crunches help build strong abs, which are important for stability and performance on the field. Exercises like plank and other core-strengthening workouts improve agility and overall strength, making you a formidable presence on any field.

7. Squats and balance exercises

Squats strengthen your legs and significantly improve overall physical fitness. Experiment with different foot positions and try single-leg squats. Balance exercises help prevent injuries and improve coordination by building stability in ligaments and tendons and strengthening small muscles crucial for coordination.

8. Cardio - HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness. Short, intense intervals simulate game situations of maximum exertion, enhancing not only your endurance but also your mental function during peak performance. Find suitable HIIT workouts on YouTube.

Remember, always start with dynamic stretching to warm up your muscles and prepare them for exercise, and finish with static stretching to support mobility. Also, it's crucial to design your workout systematically to ensure routine and efficiency. If you improvise, you might double the time due to breaks, which is not ideal. If you're new to exercising, start with 3-5 sets at 70-80% of your capacity, and as your body adapts, increase intensity or shorten breaks.


9. Training inspiration online

Every athlete should seek new ideas and inspiration, as routines can lose their effectiveness over time. Follow training methods and strategies of top players on platforms like Floorballing to stay motivated and improve your skills. Being aware of trends as they happen is crucial.

10. Visualization

Visualization is a technique used by top athletes to prepare for competition scenarios. Imagine game situations as vividly as possible – sights, sounds, feelings, potential threats, and benefits. Experience the emotions and work with this vision. This way, you can mentally prepare for various situations on the field and react as desired when they occur.

The goal of mindset training is to develop the mental aspect of the player. By doing this, you'll more easily reach your potential, as your mind won't hold you back.

Founder of the brand and an athlete through and through. He made his living as a professional player in both the Czech Republic and Switzerland, participated in the biggest international events as a national team member, won the Best Coach of the Year award four times in the Czech Superliga, and has prepared 32 protégés for their professional careers. During his career, he studied physiotherapy to deepen his knowledge, benefiting his passion and mission in floorball not only practically but also theoretically. An animal lover, owner of a dog-otter named Máša, and a Star Wars saga enthusiast.